Saturday 10 September 2011

Little G and Ants

Little G discovered ants earlier this year but has just recently become really interested in them. He likes to talk to them, try to catch them and squish them with his finger. I don't like when he squishes them so I usually tell him to be nice lol. The other day a few ants kept him very busy for about half an hour.

Monday 5 September 2011

First Day

Tomorrow my oldest has her first day of Kindergarten. She never went to preschool so this is a first... I am not handling it well LOL. I have pains in my chest and butterflies in my stomach. My baby girl is growing up. At first she wasn`t too excited, then she was very excited and then after being tucked in she did have a little meltdown. She is afraid because she doesn`t know what to do. We explained to her that it is everyone`s first day and that the teacher will teach her and make sure she knows what to do. She seemed satisfied with that and went to sleep feeling excited once again. I am trying my hardest not to show her I am scared and I will try my very hardest not to cry :)