Friday 7 October 2011

Miss A's post

My oldest daughter Little Miss A asked me to please write a post of her favorite song at the moment with a video. She has her own little moves to this song. It is awesome to watch her and her friend K groove to this song in the vehicle. She even knows most of the lyrics.

Oh Darling

I love this song! If you know me at all that is hard to believe. I am not a huge fan of music :( Don't get me wrong I like to listen to music but I never know who sings a song or the name of a song. (Unless it is Eminem... I CAN'T STAND HIM!!! Everything about him and his music drives me insane!)Back to Oh Darling... I even bought this song from iTunes. Yes, yes I did. When I went to tell 'G' that I liked it I was completely prepared for him to laugh at me. Instead he knew every word... say wha? Have you heard it before?