Friday 7 October 2011

Miss A's post

My oldest daughter Little Miss A asked me to please write a post of her favorite song at the moment with a video. She has her own little moves to this song. It is awesome to watch her and her friend K groove to this song in the vehicle. She even knows most of the lyrics.

Oh Darling

I love this song! If you know me at all that is hard to believe. I am not a huge fan of music :( Don't get me wrong I like to listen to music but I never know who sings a song or the name of a song. (Unless it is Eminem... I CAN'T STAND HIM!!! Everything about him and his music drives me insane!)Back to Oh Darling... I even bought this song from iTunes. Yes, yes I did. When I went to tell 'G' that I liked it I was completely prepared for him to laugh at me. Instead he knew every word... say wha? Have you heard it before?

Saturday 10 September 2011

Little G and Ants

Little G discovered ants earlier this year but has just recently become really interested in them. He likes to talk to them, try to catch them and squish them with his finger. I don't like when he squishes them so I usually tell him to be nice lol. The other day a few ants kept him very busy for about half an hour.

Monday 5 September 2011

First Day

Tomorrow my oldest has her first day of Kindergarten. She never went to preschool so this is a first... I am not handling it well LOL. I have pains in my chest and butterflies in my stomach. My baby girl is growing up. At first she wasn`t too excited, then she was very excited and then after being tucked in she did have a little meltdown. She is afraid because she doesn`t know what to do. We explained to her that it is everyone`s first day and that the teacher will teach her and make sure she knows what to do. She seemed satisfied with that and went to sleep feeling excited once again. I am trying my hardest not to show her I am scared and I will try my very hardest not to cry :)

Sunday 28 August 2011

America's Got Talent

I have been trying to think about what I should blog about for the last few days. Turns out I am not very good at this whole blogging thing. oh well... lol. Anyway... Then these guys came on tv. I saw them one other time on America's Got Talent and think it is so cool! This is the video of the first performance I saw.

I also really liked this group called Silhouettes that I saw...

Posting these two videos made me think of my favorites from America's Got Talent. I usually only watch the show when I notice it on and there seems to be nothing else on which I find funny since I have so many favorites. This video is of Eli Mattson... He was my first favorite and I still watch this video at least once a month. There is just something about him.

My second all time favorite would have to be Connor Doran and his indoor kite flying. This actually makes me cry lol.


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Don't Put It In Your Mouth

Seems like lately someone, somewhere everywhere I go is making a reference to this song. 

Wednesday 27 July 2011

A Five Year Olds World...

A couple of days ago we bought our 5 year old daughter a new camera. It isn't the best camera and was one of the cheapest we could find so hopefully it does the trick :) She is going to be going on her first "trip" without us in a couple weeks to visit her Auntie in Calgary and we thought it would be a good way for her to capture her memories. Also so we can see what she saw. I am excited to view the world through her eyes.
Even though I am excited for her and to hear all about her trip I am also very nervous. I know she will be in very good hands but I can't help but worry. To be honest I might be a little more nervous at the fact that she will be perfectly fine without me. Silly I know. 8 more sleeps...

Here are some of her first pictures...

cows - this picture was taken from her seat in the van while we were driving

Prairie Oasis Park - her view from her towel on the beach

her foot in the sand :)

Sunday 10 July 2011

Shopping for the kids

I hate shopping for myself...  I LOVE shopping for my kids. My mom and husband are usually worse than I am. It also seems no matter how often we say that they don't need new clothes it doesn't help. The city we live in has absolutely nothing when it comes to shopping for clothes or toys. We have a Walmart but it is probably the worst one that exists. Online shopping and living close to Calgary helps alot!!
My new favorite store is Carters/Osh Kosh in CrossIron! It was so bright and the clothes were so cute and very inexpensive. I also like Old Navy, Childrens Place, Winners and Joe. My husband is a sucker for Mexx. I am not a fan of spending too much for an item... they grow too fast!!
A set of dresses from Carters I bought while in Calgary... I have a thing for zebras and the dresses are so soft!
A new shirt that Little G got from Osh Kosh. 

Of course like most kids mine have far too many toys. They are so fun to go to Toys R Us with. I don't know who gets more excited about buying or looking at the toys... me or the kids. The latest toys they are into...

This is Sophie the Giraffe. I bought this for our 4 month old. I have heard amazing things about this and even though I think I paid $22 dollars for a teething toy I just had to have this for her. Plus it is the first thing I have bought her.
KA-CHOW!! Cars... Cars... Cars... our 2 year old loves Cars. Especially Lightening McQueen.
Mini Lalaloopsy are a favorite with our 5 year old. She has this Pillow Featherhead set and a mini Jewel Sparkles. Next on her 'must have' list is the mini ferris wheel set.

Osh  Kosh
Toys R Us

Saturday 2 July 2011

Oh Canada

Yesterday was Canada's 144th birthday! Every year we get together with the neighbours for our annual Canada Day celebrations and bbq. Depending on the kids we might take in the fireworks that evening.
The morning starts off getting ready early to walk over to the museum for a pancake breakfast, teddy bear picnic, tractor parade, some exploring and an oil rig demonstration. We learned this year that Gavin really likes tractors and firetrucks. After we go to the neighbours and the kids spend the afternoon outside and we bbq a late lunch/early supper. Later in the evening we sit by the fire roasting hot dogs and smores. This year Ainsley went with her Auntie Meg to the fireworks. I was surprised to hear she stayed awake long enough to see them but not surprised to hear that she fell asleep on the way home.  I heard that they were pink and all the other colors, they were loud and she really liked them :)
!!Happy Birthday Canada!!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Take One

*Warning - I am not know for my writing skills :) *

I come from what I consider to be a fairly nice sized family. My mom raised 5 of us by herself since I was 14 years old and has (and continues) to do an amazing job. With only half a year left until I enter my 30's I myself have a family that I am trying to raise using the knowledge and the love that my mom has taught and given me.
My two sisters have a blog(s) and honestly I feel kinda left out, hahaha. That is partially why I have decided to give this a try. I love to read their blogs and check them on a regular basis and find myself annoyed if they haven't updated in awhile :)  They blog about fashion, make up, their lives, likes and dislikes. I am not exactly sure what to blog about. Do I blog about my 3 amazing, beautiful children and husband? the yorkshires (  I am baking to take to supper at the neighbours tonight? What we or I do on a day to day or weekly basis? If you know me (and I am sure my sisters will agree) I am not one to blog about fashion... I have none. Or about makeup... I sometimes wear some. Hopefully I figure it out one way or another along the way.